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Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Sustainable Communities

Community is defined as a group of people with a sense of belonging for one another who reside in a geographical place. A sustainable community has the capacity for individuals, groups, and organization to take root, grows and endure for the long term. It is the capacities to be generative and enduring and to sustain a dynamic balance between them. Sustainable community is really important to create healthy community between people and environment. One of the character is to design a town, building, plan etc walkabilty to achieve good public health. Planner needs to plan a development especially residential area with recreation space, parks and sports hall. This development is not only to make people more healthy but also can interact people when their using the same recreation place to play some sports. Also the design needs to include many trees so that area can be more greener.

Building that will build in the society must be design people friendly and looks comfort ability with community examples like parking space, school, sidewalks and etc. this interaction between people in community can create strong community not only in healthy but also in education when the people have an good healthy community and life so their thinking is also increased cause of social interaction between communities not only in the cities but also connection between rural and urban communities so can make more smart people in community. One of the issue that can give a problem to create  sustainable community is social networking. Nowadays people just interact in their social web and they created community in that network. This people wont go to make true social interact outside their home but just only sitting in front their laptop just to chat with their community. This scenario are the biggest threats for sustainable community because this social network have pro and contra in term of interaction. This scenario also can make people now are lazy go to recreation area socialized with other people. If they come to recreation area they just use their mobile phone from start till finish. So this issue needs to solve to achieve success in sustainable community.

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